The [Office of Environmental Quality Control] shall be responsible for the publication of the notice of availability of the EIS in its bulletin. The office shall develop a distribution list of reviewers (i.e., persons and agencies with jurisdiction or expertise in certain areas relevant to various actions) and a list of public depositories, which shall include public libraries, where copies of the statements shall be available, and to the extent possible, the proposing agency or applicant shall make copies of the EIS available to individuals requesting the EIS. The office's distribution list may be developed cooperatively among the applicant or proposing agency, the accepting authority, and the office; provided the office shall be responsible for determining the final list. The applicant or proposing agency shall directly distribute the required copies to those on the distribution list after the office has verified to the applicant or proposing agency the accuracy of the distribution list. For final statements, the agency or applicant shall give the commentor an option of requesting a copy of the final EIS or portions thereof.In short, here is the 2010 Office of Environmental Quality Control, EA / EIS Distribution List. HEPA preparers should pay particular attention to the mandatory reviewers and persons requiring notice indicated in the table with an "M."
For related articles see Environmental Law.
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