Friday, January 8, 2010

Hawaii State Legislature Posts 2010 Legislative Timetable

The Hawaii State Legislature posted its 2010 Legislative Timetable at

Some important dates include:
  • Jan 20, Opening Day and Non-Admin Bill Package Cutoff
  • Feb 26, First Decking (Bills)
  • Mar 4, First Crossover (Bills)
  • Mar 8, Budget Decking
  • Mar 10, Budget Crossover & Substantive Reso Cutoff
  • Apr 1, Second Decking
  • Apr 8, Second Crossover (Bills); Disagree
  • Apr 22, Final Decking (Non-Fiscal Bills)
  • Apr 23, Final Decking (Fiscal Bills)
  • Apr 29, Adjournment Sine Die
Special session is not included in the 2010 Legislative Timetable, but one is almost certain considering the State's economic crisis.

For more legislative updates, see Legislative Updates.  For help understanding the referenced terms, see Glossary of Legislative Terms.

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